Adding & Removing Availability

In this section, we'll review:

  • Checking the availability currently listed on your profile.
  • Adding availability.
  • Removing Availability.

Checking Current Availability

To see what times you already have available on your profile, click "Manage Availability" from the dashboard.

You will then be able to view all of the available times currently listed from this screen by toggling between the dates under "Select a Date."

Adding Availability

To add available times to your profile, click "Manage Availability" in your user dashboard.

Next, select the "+" icon to add available times (see below).

Input availability information & click "Add."

You will then be able to see the new available times in the availability screen (see below). 

Removing Availability

To remove available times to your profile, click "Manage Availability" in your user dashboard.

To remove individual time slots, click the trash can icon next to the time.

To remove multiple time slots at once, select the red calendar button (highlighted below).

The platform will then prompt you to clarify whether this action is for that specific date or all available time slots on that weekday moving forward.