Notes & Electronic Health Records

Therapists on Samata Health's platform must use their own electronic health record software (ERH) to store clinical notes, diagnoses, treatment plans, and more. There is a functionality on the Samata Health platform to save notes after an appointment if you'd like to flag something for the team. However, this is not where therapists keep clinical records. It is simply a functionality to help you feel supported if you need something after a session or would like to alert the team of pertinent information.

FAQ: Do you recommend any platforms for keeping records?

We do! Most of our therapists report using SimplePractice or Doxy. We don't have a partnership with either, it's simply what we've learned from our team! That being said, any platform that is HIPAA compliant and secure is fine by us.

FAQ: Do I need to send Samata Health any forms or records from my therapy sessions?

No, please don’t! Our role is limited to administrative support. Please do not send us any client intake forms, treatment records or any other documentation related to the treatment of your clients. If you must contact us with a question or concern regarding a client or therapy session, please limit your disclosure of client personal health information to the minimum amount needed for us to adequately respond and administer the platform.