What information does Samata Health have about clients?

Here's an accounting of all client information we have:

  • Client name, email and birth date.
  • Client photo, if provided (it's optional, most don't).
  • Client's selected therapist preferences (these are multiple choice responses that mirror the information in your profile, e.g., availability, any preferences in therapist's identity or clinical specialties, etc.).
  • History of client sessions requested on the platform, along with appointment details, including the appointment date, time, location, therapist, therapist's rate, and whether an appointment was completed, canceled or expired/never accepted.
  • Appointment feedback, if provided (this mainly consists of clients marking "yes" or "no" in response to our feedback email asking whether a session was completed).
  • Client chat history (which, like all PHI on our platform, is encrypted and secure).